Sublime chord 3.5
Sublime chord 3.5sublime chord 3.5

Okay, I understand that you can get certain Epic Feats anytime you hit a Level at 21 or over that's divisible by three: 21. When a character has to choose from a list of bonus feats in the second class, he or she can also choose from the bonus epic feats described for each specific class." He houserules that the sum of the abilities must be 84, so it would be ok to go for Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 18 and Cha 18. All class descriptions provide a list of bonus feats that characters must choose from. factotum 4, bard 1, chameleon 7, sublime chord 8 - cast 8th spells at lv19, CL 22. "Whenever an epic character is allowed to pick up a feat as part of character level advancement, he or she can choose either a nonepic feat or an epic feat.

sublime chord 3.5

When he gets to 21st Level, what class can he progress in? I understand that whatever he does, his saves and BAB will only progress according to the epic rules, but I'm thinking about things like special abilities and spell slots.Ĭould he decide at this point that he simply wants to continue working on his Rogue abilties? Could he automatically pick up "Evasion" at Level 21 when he becomes a 2d level Rogue?Ĭould he, instead, continue to progress as a Sublime Chord, and pick up additional spell slots for that prestige class, since he hasn't exausted them yet?Ĭan he go up as a Fighter, gaining bonus feats as a non-epic Fighter would have?Ĭould he advance as an ordinary Bard, gaining the appropriate spell slots, since he did not exaust those prior to reaching an overall character level of 21?Ĭould he decide to start, at Level 21, on a completely new Prestige Class that he otherwise qualified for - such a Stormsinger or a Frost Mage or Disciple of Thryme?Ĭould he begin progression at level 1 in some base class he hasn't touched yet? Such as a level 1 Sorcerer?Ĭould he decide, "to heck with it, I'm mostly a Bard-ish kind of character and I should just progress the same way as an Epic Bard?" Put aside, for a moment, any questions about how the character could be better optimized, or whether he incurred any multiclass penalties along the way, etc. Let's assume, hypothetically, that I have a character who has advanced to an overall level of 20 and in the following order:ģ Levels of Sublime Chord (prestige class)

Sublime chord 3.5